説教あらすじ 「イエスの最初の命令」 (01/07/2018)
◆神の国の到来 [マタイ4:17] ― イエスがこの地上に降り立った時、神の国(神の支配)が「到達」した!
◆悔い改めなさい!(これがイエスの『最初の命令』) ― 2つの「悔い改め(方向転換)」がある。
①神を無視していた人生 ⇒ 神を認める人生 ②自分の人生のための神 ⇒ 神のための自分の人生
◆御国を受け継ぐ者 [使徒26:17-18](パウロによる証し)
・「御国を受け継ぐ者」 ― 『神の子』としてのフルサイズの人生を生きる者。(「神のかたち」が回復された人生)
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [マタイの福音書 4章17節後半]
Outline of the sermon “The first command of Jesus.” (01/07/2018)
◆The kingdom has come near. [Matthew 4:17] ― The kingdom (God’s dominion) has arrived on the earth with Jesus!
・He has overcome temptations of the devil and now “God’s dominion through mankind” is ready to go!
◆Repent!(This is “the first command” of Jesus) ― There are 2 kinds of “Repentance(changing direction)”.
①Ignoring God. ⇒ Acknowledging God. ②God for my life. ⇒ My life for God.
◆Receiving His kingdom. [Acts 26:17-18](Apostle Paul’s testimony.)
・Our “eyes are opened” from blindness to the truth, “turned to God’s light” from prince of the darkness,
“forgiven” by the blood of Jesus and receiving His kingdom by faith in Christ.
・What is “receiving His kingdom” like? ― To live as “a child of God”. (“God’s image” in us is being restored.)
・Only those who accept “His dominion” receive everything in “His kingdom”.
So let’s obey “Commands of Christ” not just for our benefit but more for “His glory revealed” on the earth.
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [Matthew 4: 17b]