説教あらすじ 「Make disciples!②」 (03/06/2018)
◆バプテスマを授ける [マタイ28:19]
◆「イエスの御名」と「父・子・聖霊の御名」 [使徒2:37-38]
・「父・子・聖霊の御名 [によって] 」 ― 『エイス』という前置詞。= 「~の中へ」
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [マタイの福音書 28章19節]
Outline of the sermon “Make disciples!②” (03/06/2018)
◆Baptize them![Matthew 28:19]
・Preach “the good news” first, then baptize those who “believe”. [Mark16:15-16a]
・Baptism is not “a goal” but “starting line”. It is similar to “a wedding”. (No “trials”!)
・You don’t have to be “a pastor” to baptize people, but be a Christian who can lead people to “proper faith”.
◆“In the name of Jesus” or “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”?[Acts 2:37-38]
・“The name of Jesus Christ” was very important for the Jews who were misunderstanding who Jesus was.
・[In (into)] 」 ― Greek preposition “Eis”. = [into ~]
[Into the fellowship with God of the Trinity] through forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit.
・We get baptized not for the event itself but “to be invited into the fellowship with God by the Holy Spirit
through Christ Jesus”. Without this fellowship, our “Christian life” is just nominal and empty.
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [Matthew 28: 19]