


説教あらすじ    「『正しいこと』のために造られた」   (24/06/2018)

◆イエスの受洗 [マタイ3:13-17]

・イエスは洗礼を受ける必要があったのか? ⇒ 「私たちへの模範」として。

・「すべての正しいことを実行するのは、私たちにふさわしい」 = 私たちは『正しいこと』をするために造られた。


◆『従順』と『関係』のメカニズム [ヨハネ14:21]




◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [マタイの福音書 3章15節後半]


Outline of the sermon      Created for righteousness.     (24/06/2018)

◆Baptism of Jesus. [Matthew 3:13-17]

・Why did “Son of God” get baptized? ⇒ To be “an example for us”.

・“It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” = We are all created to do “righteousness”

The Bible is just like “Life Instruction Book”.  We can make the most of our lives by following it.

◆“Commitment to Jesus” & “Relationship with Jesus”. [John14:21]

・We express “our love” toward Jesus by trying to take steps to follow him just as Jesus did toward the Father.

・When Jesus says, “follow me”, he is saying “come closer to me”.

Jesus is always earnestly seeking Love Relationship” with us.

“A memory verse” for this week [Matthew 3: 15b]


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