説教あらすじ 「イエスは賛美を受けるべきお方」 (15/04/2018)
・万物の創造主・支配者 [コロサイ1:16] であり、勝利者 [ヨハネ16:33] であり、やがて来られる王の王。
・心優しく [マタイ11:29]、さばくことがなく [ヨハネ12:47]、弱さや痛みを知っておられる方。[ヘブル4:15]
◎「私たちの主」イエスは… 神でありながら人となり、すべてを持っていたのに貧しくなり、聖い方なのに罪人の
友となり、強い方なのに弱さを知り、陽気な方なのに痛む者のために泣き… 言い尽くすことはできない!
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ヘブル人への手紙 13章15節]
Outline of the sermon “Jesus is worthy to be praised.” (15/04/2018)
◎The topic today is “Jesus Christ is worthy for all of our praises”. [Revelation 5:12]
◆Why do we praise him?
*Not “because we are happy” but because his ultimate character is “Worthy to be praised”!
①For his surpassing greatness.
・He is the Creator of all [Colossians1:16] , the Victor [John16:33] and the King of kings who is to come.
②For he is fascinating.
・He is gentle [Matthew11:29], patient [John12:47] and understanding our weakness & pain.[Hebrews 4:15]
◎Jesus, “our Lord” is … God who became human for us, rich who became poor for us, holy who became a
friend of sinners, strong who understands our weakness and stays beside us… it goes on and on!
This is why we cannot help praising “our Lord”!
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [Hebrews 13: 15]