説教あらすじ 「永遠のいのちなるキリスト」 (25/03/2018)
◆イエス・キリストは『永遠の祭司』 [ヘブル7:24-25] 『祭司』は、罪のためにいけにえをささげ、とりなす存在。
◆イエス・キリストは『永遠のいのち』 [ヨハネ3:16]
*永遠に続く唯一のもの = 『神との関係』 これぞ私たちに与えられた「永遠のいのち」!
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [Ⅰヨハネ 5章20節]
Outline of the sermon “Christ, our eternal life.” (25/03/2018)
◎The topic today is “Jesus Christ is Everlasting”. [Hebrews13:8]
◆Permanent Priest. [Hebrews 7:24-25] He offered eternal sacrifice for sins and always interceding for us.
・No man can redeem his own life or others. [Psalm 49:7-8]
・But Jesus has made us perfect forever by offering himself as eternal sacrifice. [Hebrews10:12-14]
This was the fulfillment of God’s promise given to people over 700 years before. [Isaiah 54:10]
◆Eternal Life. [John 3:16]
・Nothing in this world or no visible things can last forever, but only one thing remains;
Relationship with God through Christ Jesus. = This is “the eternal life” given to those who believe!
We are being invited to “the eternal fellowship with God” through Jesus Christ. [ⅠJohn1:1-3]
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [ⅠJohn 5: 20b]