説教あらすじ 「イエス・キリストは主権者」 (25/02/2018)
◆神の主権 [マタイ28:18] *「与えられている」 ― 誰から? = 創造主なる神。
“God is in Control”. (もし神が『良い方』ではなかったら、大変なことになってる!)
・イエスはどうしてこの権威を「与えられた」のか? ⇒ 御父への献身と全き従順の故。[ピリピ2:6-11]
・『驚くべき事実』 ― 私たちにもこれと同じ権威が与えられている![ヨハネ1:12]
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ペテロの手紙 第1.5章6節]
Outline of the sermon “Jesus Christ has ‘All authority’.” (25/02/2018)
◆Sovereign God. [Matthew 28:18] *“is given” form who? = God the Creator.
・“Human authorities” of this world are all just entrusted by something else.
・Only “God the Creator” stands by Himself without any help and has power and will to exercise the authority.
“God is in Control”. (That’ll be a real disaster if He is not “Good Father”!)
◆User of this authority.
・Why was Jesus given this authority? ⇒ Because of his total commitment to the Father. [Philippians 2:6-11]
Jesus was able to exercise this authority because he was completely obedient to his Father’s will.
・“An amazing fact” ― We have been given the same kind of “authority”![John1:12]
✰ Now it is all up to us (our obedience) whether “God’s dominion” will be exercised on the earth or not.
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [ⅠPeter 5: 6]