説教あらすじ 「イエスは 『道・真理・いのち』」 (18/02/2018)
◆イエスは『道・真理・いのち』 [ヨハネ14:6]
◆『道・真理・いのち』の回復 [ヨハネ14:1,6]
◆他に道はない(排他的) [ヨハネ14:6] 「わたしを通してでなければ…」
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [詩篇27篇4節]
Outline of the sermon “Jesus is ‘the Way, the Truth, the Life’.” (18/02/2018)
◆Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, the Life”. [John14:6]
・“Way, Truth, Life” in this context don’t indicate 3 different things but indicate one spiritual law. [John14:1-6]
・God created mankind as “spiritual being” but we were lost before God and fallen into “un-spiritual world”.
◆Jesus restores us in his “Way, Truth and Life”![John14:1,6]
*Jesus lifts us up from “un-spiritual world” to “His kingdom” which is unending presence of God.
①Jesus is the Way: We are restored to be “a spiritual being” through him. [John10:9]
②Jesus is the Truth: We are set free, being safe and having peace of mind in his presence.
③Jesus is the Life: We are restored as “children of God” through him and to live as a whole.
◆No other way!(Completely “exclusive”.) [John14:6] “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
・You can get only “wrong ideas” about spiritual world unless you search it through the right gate. [John10:1,10]
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [Psalm 27: 4]