
説教あらすじ      「良い羊飼いなるイエス」     (11/02/2018)



◆『良い牧者』のすること [エゼキエル34:10-16, 詩篇23篇]

①羊を養う [エゼキエル34:14-15, 詩篇23:1-2]  ②羊を導く [エゼキエル34:13, 詩篇23:3]

羊を敵から守る [エゼキエル34:12, 詩篇23:4-5]

羊を捜し見つけ出し連れ戻す [エゼキエル34:16, ルカ15:4,19:10]

◆『良い羊』とは? (羊は近視眼でさまよいやすい)

   ①牧者に「信頼」している  ②牧者に「従順」に従う  ③悪から離れる(聖潔)


◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ペテロの手紙 第1.2章25] または [詩篇23篇]


Outline of the sermon       Jesus is the Good Shepherd.      (11/02/2018)

Jesus Christ is “the Good Shepherd”. [John10:11]

・What is “bad shepherds” like?[Ezekiel 34:1-6]

What does “the Good Shepherd” do [Ezekiel 34:10-16, Psalm 23]

He pastures His sheep. [Ezekiel 34:14-15, Psalm 23:1-2]

He guides His sheep. [Ezekiel 34:13, Psalm 23:3]

He protects His sheep. [Ezekiel 34:12, Psalm 23:4-5]

He seeks, finds and brings back His sheep. [Ezekiel 34:16, Luke15:4,19:10]

What is “the good sheep” like (Sheep is short-sighted and easy to go astray.)

   ①Trust.  ②Obedient.  ③Holy.

Let us be “good sheep” to Jesus and “good shepherds” to people around us

“A memory verse” for this week [Peter 225] or [Psalm 23]


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