説教あらすじ 「クリスマスの心」 (23/12/2018)
◆選ばれた『マリヤ』 [ルカ1:26-38]
・人類史上誰も体験したことのない、恐るべき体験 ・『姦淫の女』の汚名を着せられる強い可能性
・愛する婚約者ヨセフから受ける「疑惑」 ・「超ユニークな使命を帯びた者」としての孤独な生涯
⇒ 私たちは「この世」から『神の国』へと選び出された![パウロの証し・使徒26:16-18]
Outline of the sermon “Christmas Spirit.” (23/12/2018)
◆God chose “Mary”. [Luke1:26-38]
・Jesus came alone to “Satan’s kingdom” as “a baby”. It is amazing! What a risk God took! But He found
a young lady whom He can entrust this ultimate task to. Her name was “Mary”.
What kind of difficulties did Mary have to overcome?
・Very scary job no one has ever experienced. ・She could be accused and stoned as “an adulteress”.
・Her fiancé, “Josef”, could doubt her and left her. ・Live very lonely life as “a super special person”.
◆God chose “us” in the same way.
・God requires us the same commitment “to let Jesus revealed to the earth” through us.
・Because of our faith, our family or friends may leave us. This world would never understand us.
⇒ We can never follow “God’s heart” with seeking favor from this world.![Paul’s testimony・Acts 26:16-18]
✰ “Christmas Spirit” is to offer ourselves to God so that “Christ may be revealed to the earth” through us.