説教あらすじ 「岩の上に建てる」 (16/12/2018)
◆みことばを聞いて行う [マタイ7:24-29]
・イエスはこれらのことを「権威ある者のように」教えた。[28~29節] 私たちも神の主権の許にへりくだり、自分
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ヨハネの福音書 4章42節]
Outline of the sermon “Built on the rock.” (16/12/2018)
◆Listen and put into practice. [Matthew 7:24-29]
・Only 1 difference between these 2 types of people. “Put His Word into practice or not”. This examines our
faith. The rock = Christ. Sand = Ourselves.
・Those who stand on themselves select His Words according to their own favor. They are not really “children
of God” even though they look like having relationship with Him. [Luke 8:19-21]
◆Doing “God’s heart”.
・We seek “God’s will for our lives” but not “God’s heart itself”. “How our lives are going to be” does not really
matter but “how God’s will be done through us” matters. We ought to learn “ultimate joy” by experiencing
His will fulfilled on the earth through us. This makes us effective witness of the power of the Lord!
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [John 4: 42]