説教あらすじ 「優しさの発信源」 (07/10/2018)
・なぜ他人をさばきたくなるのか?(自己中心だから?) ― 悪魔が「神の誤ったイメージ」を植えつけている。
◆神のあわれみ[マタイ9:12-13,ルカ6:36,エペソ4:32] ― 天の父はあわれみ深い。それは御子において現された!
①主の具体的な『良いわざ』を思い起こす。[詩篇103:1-2] ②聖霊によって神の愛を啓示される。
⇒ クリスチャン同士の交わりの中で、いつも「主の良くしてくださったこと」を分かち合おう!
◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ヤコブの手紙 2章13節後半]
Outline of the sermon “Source of kindness.” (07/10/2018)
◆Our “judgmental” tendency. [Matthew 7:1-5]
・Why are we easy to judge others?(Because of selfishness?) ― Because Satan has put “wrong image of God” in us.
・We all want to “be kind” but cannot be. It is because we rarely have good example. (They always give us “conditions”.)
If we, Christians, don’t become “source of kindness”, this world can never find “real kindness”.
◆Touched by God’s mercy. [Matthew 9:12-13,Luke 6:36,Ephesians 4:32]
― Our heavenly Father is merciful. He revealed His mercy through Christ!
・We cannot learn it just by our head. We should experience it in practical way. [Mark 5:19]
*What makes us “closer” to God?
①Remind ourselves “what God has done”. [Psalm103:1-2] ②Revelation of “God’s love” by the Spirit.
⇒ Let us share one another “what God has done in our lives” more often!
◆“A memory verse” for this week: [James 2: 13b]