説教あらすじ 「あなたはイエスを誰だと言いますか?」 (07/01/2018)
◆神は御子を通して語られた [ヘブル1:1-3]
・キリストは「神の本質の完全な現れ」であり、すべての権威を持つ方。 [コロサイ1:15-17]
Outline of the sermon “Who do you say Jesus is?” (07/01/2018)
◆God has spoken to us by His Son. [Hebrews1:1-3]
・Christ is not “created” but “the Creator”.
・Christ is “the exact representation of God” and he has all authority in heaven and on earth. [Colossians1:15-17]
・People may say, “Yes, I believe God but not Jesus”. These people only believe “their own image of God” with their selfishness (just as ‘teachers of the laws’ in the Bible).
◆How did Jesus testify himself?
・Jesus has never said like, “I AM GOD”, but he always referred to “His Father” and repeated that the Father
and he are One. [Matthew10:40,John12:44-45]
・One day Jesus asked to his disciples. [Matthew16:13-18]
The same question is being asked to each one of us. And “the true church” is built on the confession which is: “Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God”!