
説教あらすじ    「あなたはイエスを誰だと言いますか?」   (07/01/2018)

◆神は御子を通して語られた [ヘブル1:1-3]


・キリストは「神の本質の完全な現れ」であり、すべての権威を持つ方。 [コロサイ1:15-17]








Outline of the sermon     Who do you say Jesus is    (07/01/2018)

God has spoken to us by His Son. [Hebrews1:1-3]

・Christ is not “created” but “the Creator”.

・Christ is “the exact representation of God” and he has all authority in heaven and on earth. [Colossians1:15-17]

・People may say, “Yes, I believe God but not Jesus”.  These people only believe “their own image of God” with their selfishness (just as ‘teachers of the laws’ in the Bible).

How did Jesus testify himself

・Jesus has never said like, “I AM GOD”, but he always referred to “His Father” and repeated that the Father

    and he are One. [Matthew10:40,John12:44-45]

・One day Jesus asked to his disciples. [Matthew16:13-18]

The same question is being asked to each one of us.  And “the true church” is built on the confession which  is: “Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God”


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