説教あらすじ 「驚くべき 『交換』」 (10/09/2017)
◆十字架上で起こったこと [Ⅱコリント5:21]
①父なる神の完全な愛の対象 ②神の国の権威を行使する者 ③聖なる神の宮
◆父なる神の完全な愛の対象 [マタイ3:17,Ⅰヨハネ4:16-17]
Outline of the sermon “Incredible exchange.” (10/09/2017)
◆What has happened on the cross? [ⅡCorinthians 5:21]
・It was “Exchange” not just “between our sin and his righteousness” but “between sinners and righteous man”.
・Our figure before God has completely changed through this “exchange on the cross”![Ephesians 2:4-6]
①God’s love toward us completed. ②We excise the power of God’s kingdom. ③We are God’s Holy temple.
◆God’s love toward us has become complete. [Matthew 3:17,ⅠJohn 4:16-17]
・God now sees us just as He sees Jesus. No more condemnation for those who are “in Christ”. Our failures
or shortcomings can never separate us from this love!
・We can only taste this freedom when we live in “the intimate relationship with God”. [John 5:19,15:5]
・The devil always try to interrupt our fellowship with God by all the attractions of this world. [ⅠJohn 2:15-16]
So take this opportunity to show “our faith & love for God” and overcome the world![ⅠJohn 5:4-5]