説教あらすじ 「真理であるキリストを知る」 (03/09/2017)
◆『真理』において成長する [Ⅰテモテ2:4]
・「救い」を受けた後も、継続して『真理』を知っていくことが必要。 真理 = イエス・キリスト!
◆「知ること」こそ、成長のカギ [ヨハネ8:31-32]
イエスのことばを聞く ⇒ そこにとどまる ⇒ 真理を知る ⇒ 自由にされる
Outline of the sermon “To know Christ, the truth.” (03/09/2017)
◆Grow in “the truth”. [ⅠTimothy 2:4]
・God doesn’t just want us to “be saved” but to know “the truth”. “The truth” = Jesus Christ!
・“Eternal Life” = To know “the only one God” and “Jesus Christ”. [John17:3]
The Greek word for “to know” here is in a special form which carries “experience of continuous growth”.
◆“Knowing Jesus” is the key of our spiritual growth. [John 8:31-32]
Listen to the word of Jesus. ⇒ Hold his teaching. ⇒ Know the truth. ⇒ You’ll be set free.
・We will know and experience all the riches of God through His only Son, Jesus. [Colossians 2:9-10]
We are not desperate for God simply because we don’t really know Him!
◎The last words of apostle Peter. [ⅡPeter 3:18]
✰ Be desperate for “knowing our Lord Jesus Christ”!