説教あらすじ 「信仰のレースを走り切る」 (27/08/2017)
◆[ヘブル12:1-2] *『競走』とは、日々の「信仰の歩み」のこと。順位ではなく『完走』が目標。
・『罪』 ― 方向をズラして目標を見失わせる。日々の「悔い改め」と「軌道修正」が必要。
・『重荷』 ― 進みを鈍らせ、疲れさせる。人によって違うので、それぞれでしっかりと見極め、払い落とす。
◆イエスから目を離さない ― イエスが走り切ったように走る。
・天地創造以来、御父が進めて来た計画の完成。 = この地を「罪によるサタンの支配」から取り戻すこと。
Outline of the sermon “Run well your race of faith.” (27/08/2017)
◆[Hebrews12:1~2] *This “Race” is not to compete but “to finish well together”.
・“The sin” ― Something to shift our focus. We have to repent daily and refocus on God.
・“Things that hinders” ― Each of us has different “hindrances”. Ascertain them and shake them off!
・“Race of faith” always requires “sacrifice”. It does not come from our “effort” but from our “commitment”.
◆Fix our eyes on Jesus! ― Run the race just as Jesus has run.
・Jesus was running for “the joy set before him”. What kind of “joy” was that?
①Joy with the Father.
・To complete the ultimate plan set in the beginning. = To take back this world from “hands of Satan”.
②Joy with people who run the same race.
・Jesus was looking at people who were going to run on “the road of faith” he was about to complete, being
forgiven and free from bondage of Satan, and running toward the Father with everlasting joy.