説教あらすじ 「JCFのVision」 (09/07/2017)
◆神の目的 [マタイ24:14]
◆神の方法 [ヨハネ17:21-23] ― ただせっせと伝道すればいいわけではない!
◆JCFのVision 《 ①『神』との関係 ⇒ ②『神の家族』との関係 ⇒ ③「神の家族以外」との関係 》
Outline of the sermon “Our Vision.” (09/07/2017)
◆Where should we be going?[Matthew 24:14]
・The ultimate goal which God has set for the world is: “To let all nations know that God loves them and inviting
them through Christ Jesus”. It is so important for us to embrace this goal with God.
◆How should we all get there?[John17:21-23] ― It is not just “preaching the gospel” in words!
・No one can come to Christ unless God draws him. God lives in us when we love one another and become one
in Christ. People may believe not because we “preach well” but we “reflect God’s love well”. [ⅠJohn 4:9-12]
◆God’s desire.
・God’s desire is not our “hard work”. He does not need to be served. It is not why He created us.
・He is always in perfect unity within the fellowship of “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. Because “the Love” of
this fellowship is overflowing, He wanted to invite more to join it. That’s why God created us! God is always
inviting each of us to join this ultimate fellowship.
“The top priority” of our life is to respond this invitation from God!
◆Our Vision. 《 ①Fellowship with “God”. ⇒ ②Fellowship with “God’s family”. ⇒ ③Fellowship with all others. 》
・Seek first “Fellowship with God through Christ Jesus”. Take plenty time with God daily and adore Him. And
when you experience His Love overflowing from you by the Spirit, pour out for your spiritual family as well as
physical family. Bear your burdens one another and make up for each other’s lack so that “the body of
Christ” may be built up among us. Then let us invite those who haven’t experienced “Love of God” into
God’s presence in our loving fellowship!
1 Comment
Fumiko Hankawa · 2017-08-19 at 12:26 am