説教あらすじ 「聖霊は『祈り』を通して導く」 (02/07/2017)
◆神からの語りかけを聞き取るために [ヨハネ10:1-5]
・「彼の声を知っている」 = みことばにいつも親しんでいるから。
・「彼について行く」 = 「私の願いではなく、あなたのみこころの通りに・・・」
✰ キリストとの愛の関係の中で「聞き分ける耳」と「従順な心」を養いましょう!
Outline of the sermon “The Spirit guides us in ‘Prayer’.” (02/07/2017)
*“Praying hard” does not necessarily make God listen to it. [ⅠJohn 5:14]
◆What does “prayer” do?
・“Prayer” is neither “making wishes” nor “negotiation” but more like “communication with God”.
Holy Spirit often reveals us “God’s character” or “God’s heart” in our prayer.
・Most of the time we ask unnecessary things. God correct our heart to seek “the best” by His Spirit. [Romans 8:26-27]
◆Purpose of “prayer”.
・God seeks “love relationship with us” rather than “what we do for Him”. He desires to walk our life with us.
It is wrong if we pray like: “I am going this way so if I am wrong, close the door please. Otherwise bless me!”
・Holy Spirit guides us to ‘the will of God’ in prayer not by giving us “an inspiration” but rather He “draws our
heart to the heart of Christ” and transfer us into his likeness.
・Don’t say, “This idea is from God because it came when I was praying.” Watch out! Even Jesus was
tempted by Satan when he was being led by the Spirit and fasting!
◆How can we listen to the Spirit?[John10:1-5]
・“They know his voice” = Because they are accustomed to God’s Words.
・“They follow him” = Hear the prayer of Jesus, “Not as I will, but as you will.”
You are ready to hear His voice when you are sincerely able to pray this prayer.
✰ Let’s develop “ears to listen” and “obedient heart” in intimacy with Jesus!