説教あらすじ 「みことばと聖霊とのメカニズム」 (25/06/2017)
《みことばによって聖霊に導かれて生きること》 = 《この世にあって『神の国』に生きること》
・元々この世界は『神のことば』によって造られた。[ヘブル11:3, 創世記1章] それは人類が神のことばに従って
・この世から取り出された私たちを、聖霊は「神の国の民」として『真理』へと導く。[ヨハネ16:13] この『真理』とは
4:2] イエスは、本気で彼のことばを受け入れ、そのことばの上に人生の土台を据える者には、この世にあっ
て「神の国の民」だけが味わえる『自由』を約束された。[ヨハネ8:31-32] 次のように祈りつつ聖書を読もう!
Outline of the sermon “Mechanism between the Spirit & His Words.” (25/06/2017)
◆The Spirit guides us with “His Words”.
・“The Spirit” & “His Words” always work together. There is no contradiction between them. [John14:26]
・It is very important for all the believers to know “how the Spirit guides them with His Words” because…
《Being led by the Spirit with His Words.》 = 《Living in His kingdom on the earth.》
◆Be transferred from “this world” to “the kingdom truth”.
・God created the world with “His Word”. [Hebrews11:3, Genesis1] Therefore we receive its blessings as we live
by His Word. But this world was cursed when Adam & Eve turned away from God.
・God wouldn’t recreate this world but rather let His children restore it by bring His kingdom to the world. To do
it, God sanctify His followers first from this world with “His Word of truth”. [John17:14-17]
・Then the Spirit guides us to “His truth” as “people of His kingdom”. [John16:13] This “truth” is like the
principle only valid within the environment going along with God’s Words. It is full of “Life”. We perceive it
not by “our reason” but only through “conviction by the Spirit”.
◆How do they all happen to us?
・This “truth” only applies to those who believe and follow the truth with all their hearts. [Hebrews 4:2]
Jesus promised “freedom” from all the bondage of the power of darkness if we really believe His Word and hold
to it. [John 8:31-32] Here is an example of prayer when you read the Bible.
“Dear Lord Jesus, I believe in you and obey you today. As I read your words, guide me
to your truth by your Spirit and let me live as the one who belong to your kingdom!”