説教あらすじ 「神の専門分野」 (05/02/2017)
◆神の専門分野 [ルカ18:27]
「学業成就」「家内安全」「無病息災」「経済繁栄」などなど ― 神のわざが見えにくい。
Outline of the sermon “God’s specialized field.” (05/02/2017)
◆God’s specialized field. [Luke18:27]
・Somehow we tend to ask God something we are able to handle by ourselves.
e.g. successful school work, family safety, family health, prosperity… ― Hard to tell if it is from God!
・God hates to yield His glory to someone else. [Isaiah 48:11]
When God works, it is so obvious and no one can doubt of it.
◆Activate your “faith”!
・In this present age it is hard to find opportunities “to use our genuine faith” because of a flood of materialism.
Jesus knew that this world would become like this and warned us. [Luke18:1-8]
・Last Sunday we learned that God would answer our “prayer in faith”.
Assignment this week!
◎Pay attention to people around you and look for the one who is needing “a miracle”, and pray for him/her.
✰Let’s start today within JCF.
Share each other’s desperate needs which requires a miracle and pray for one another!