
説教あらすじ        「神が祈りを聞かれる理由」     (12/02/2017)

◆ご自身のご性質の故に [ルカ18:1-8]





・私たちは、『神の義』が軽んじられているこの世(例:「幼児虐待」「盗み」「オカルト」「不倫」 etc)にあって、忍耐強く


◆私たちは『神の子ども』だから [ルカ11:5-8]


与えられます… たとい悪い者ではあっても、自分の子どもには良い物を与える…」と続いている。すなわち、







しつこく「義なる神」に訴えよう! また『神の子ども』として、あつかましく求めよう


Outline of the sermon     Why does God answer our prayer   (12/02/2017)

Because who He is. [Luke18:1-8]

・God likes our “persistent” prayer.  It does not mean that God reluctantly answers our prayer when we

persistently ask His favor just as small children.

・God never works against justice.  When He sees us following His righteousness but being treated unjustly,

He will hear our cry and make us get justice. [Matthew 5:6]

Righteousness of God is neglected in this world. (ex:“child abuse”, “terrorism”, “occult”, “adultery etc).

God is seeking those who persistently cry out to Him.

Because who we are. [Luke11:5-8]

・This parable is told in between “Lords prayer”(which start the word ‘Father’) and another parable “though you

are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children…”.  God cannot neglect our prayer because “we are His


・Literal meaning of the word “boldness”(verse 8) is shamelessness.  The privilege of “being a child” is to

jump into his/her parents arms shamelessly without doubting that the parents accept him/her no matter how

he/she behaves.

・And here he is asking “not for himself” but “for his friend on a journey”.  God is moved when we ask Him with

love for our neighbors.


✰ Cry to “righteous God” persistently, and ask shamelessly as “a child of God”


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