説教あらすじ 「第1の使命」 (03/12/2017)
◆ [ローマ15:5~6] 「父なる神をほめたたえる」 ― 何故? また、どのように?
①忍耐と励ましの神 - 決して「キレない」神。 決して「あきらめない」神。
・イエスがいつも御父を見上げ、御顔を慕い、信頼して歩んだように。 御父に「喜ばれている者」として。
・天の父は「良い父」である! ・すべての賛美を受けるべき唯一のお方。 ・「永遠の視点」を持って。
・主イエスを通して表現された神。 ・御子イエスを代価として差し出された神
Outline of the sermon “Primary mission of the church.” (03/12/2017)
◆ [Romans15:5~6] “To glorify God” ― Why? And how?
①For He is God of endurance and encouragement. - He is never “amazed” nor “giving up”.
・Our God will accomplish all what He pleases even though it may not when you wants Him to do.
②As you follow Christ Jesus.
・Jesus was always his Father’s delight as he honored, adored and trusted the Father in his whole life.
③A spirit of unity.(To have “common thoughts”.)
・Our heavenly Father is “a good Father”! ・He is the only One worthy to be praised. ・Eternal perspective.
④With one heart.(Same expression is often used in “Acts”.)
・We should confess, “Oh God, You are the only hope we have” in all circumstances.
⑤The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
・He is God who is perfectly expressed in Christ. ・He is God who offered the life of His only Son.