説教あらすじ 「良い計画のために造られた」 (12/11/2017)
・神の心にはいつも「全世界」があり、また「個人」がある。 ― 「世界」のために「個人」が必要とされている。
・JCFの1つの確かな使命は: 「福音を伝え、弟子として整え、日本(世界)へと遣わす」 こと。
✰神の確かなご計画の中を歩むため、そのみこころを尋ね求めよう! → ビジョン・サンデー [12月31日]
Outline of the sermon “Created for a good plan.” (12/11/2017)
◆What God sees.
・God always hold “whole world” as well as “individuals”. ― God needs “individuals” for “whole world”.
・God’s ultimate plan is to bring “His kingdom (His dominion)” onto the earth. [Mark1:15]
・Our God is good God and has a good plan for each one of us in advance. [Psalm139:15-16,Ephesians 2:10]
We, people, however often make mistakes because of “what we see”.
*Get hold of His “good plan” for “God’s glory” and “Our joy”!
◆God must have “a special plan” for JCF.
・JCF was started in “God’s will”, and we are now all here in “God’s divine providence”.
・Something we are really sure of : JCF is here “to preach the gospel, make disciples and send to the world”.
✰Let’s seek more of His plan to walk in it! → Vision Sunday [31st of December].