説教あらすじ 「聞かれる祈り」 (29/01/2017)
◆聞かれる祈り = 「神のみこころにかなう祈り」 [Ⅰヨハネ5:14]
①「あわれみの心」に基づいた祈り [マタイ5:7]
②信仰による祈り [マルコ11:24]
Outline of the sermon “Pray with faith & compassion.” (29/01/2017)
◆God answers our prayers.
・God is longing for you![Isaiah 30:18]
・Our God is not stingy. He does immeasurably more than all we ask. [Ephesians 3:20]
◆What kind of prayer does God answer? = “Prayers according to His will”. [ⅠJohn 5:14]
*It is not about “what we ask for” but about “what kind of heart we ask with”.
①The prayer based on compassion. [Matthew 5:7]
・Our God responds “merciful heart” because He is merciful. [Luke 6:36]
・Jesus often healed sick people with “compassion”. [Matthew14:14,9:35-38]
②The prayer in faith. [Mark11:24]
・Our God is attracted not by our “good deeds” but by our “faith”. [Hebrews11:6]
Do not forget that we are “like Christ” before the Father!
・Real “faith” is not our confession by mouth only, but our action just as we already received answer
from Him even before we actually get it.
✰Let us come before God as often as we want with “compassion” & “faith”!