説教あらすじ 「イエスの名によって」 (22/01/2017)
◆「イエスの名によって」 とは?
◆「イエスの名」 による力あるわざ
◆大切なのは、神との『愛の関係』 [Ⅰコリント8:3,マタイ10:32-33]
✰「イエスの名によって」 神の前にイエスのごとく大胆に進み出て、
Outline of the sermon “In the name of Jesus.” (22/01/2017)
◆“In the name of Jesus”?
・We will receive if we ask “in the name of Jesus”. [John16:24]
・Jesus came to the earth “in his Father’s name”. [John 5:43]
*When someone comes 『in the name of someone else』, that person is completely “a representative” and
he has all the authority that the other person has. [ⅠJohn 4:17]
・“In the name of Jesus” we receive salvation, answer of prayer and being transformed into Christ likeness.
◆Performing miracles “in the name of Jesus.
・“In the name of Jesus” we will do what Jesus was doing. [Mark16:17-18]
・“The name of Jesus” does not necessarily work for everybody. [Acts19:13-16]
・Using “the name of Jesus” does not guarantee our salvation. [Matthew 7:21-23]
*Then how are we “being known by God”?
◆The only thing works is “Intimacy with God”. [ⅠCorinthians 8:3,Matthew10:32-33]
・“Intimacy with God” gives strength to overcome “shame”. [Matthew 5:11,ⅠPeter 4:14]
・The Holy Spirit has been sent to each of us “in the name of Jesus”. [John14:26]
◎When we live “in the name of Jesus”, we are identified with Jesus whether we like it or not.
・We will be treated just as Jesus was from both God the Father and this world. [Romans 8:16-17]
✰ “In the name of Jesus” we approach God with confidence, and witness his name
boldly to the world without compromise just as Jesus did!