説教あらすじ 「『キリストの御霊』の働き」 (03/07/2016)
◆「内なる聖霊」 = 「内なるキリスト」
・『聖霊』と『内なるイエス』は、どう違うのか? → 実質的には同じ。[ヨハネ14:16-18,使徒16:6-7]
「自分のいのち」 ― 「自分にできる何か」を拠り所にして生きること。
→ むしろ、「神が自分を通して何をなさろうとしているか」に目を向ける。
・パウロの「産みの苦しみ」 [ガラテヤ4:19]
→ 肉の力で(自分の栄光のために)神の働きをしようとしていた人たちがいたから。
Outline of the sermon “Work of ‘the Spirit of Christ’.” (03/07/2016)
◆“The Holy Spirit in us” = “Christ in us”
・How different between “the Holy Spirit” and “Christ in us”? → Substantially same.[John14:16-18,Acts16:6-7]
・When they call it, “the Spirit of Christ”, it seems to highlight its certain character.[Romans 8:8-11]
◆“The Spirit of Christ” has ‘the power to raise us from the dead’.
・If we died with Christ, we will also live with him.[Romans 6:8]
*Christ was not just “crucified for us”, but also “crucified with us”.
This is something “the Spirit of Christ” convinces us.
・We would never experience “the power of resurrection” unless we die.[John12:24-25]
Our “Life”. ― The life which depend on “what we can do” with our own strength.
→ We should rather watch “what Jesus is going to do through us”.
・The Spirit of Christ puts “us with our old sinful nature” to death,
and raises us from the dead “to live for God’s glory just as Christ lived”.[Galatians 2:20]
◆To see “the work of God” be displayed.
・Paul was in “the pains of childbirth”.[Galatians 4:19]
→ Because Christians in Galatia was working hard for Christ with their own strength.
・God’s power is made perfect “in our weakness”.[ⅡCorinthians12:9-10]
◎ God is not seeking “your ability or talent”, but seeking your humble commitment
saying, “here I am, use me for your sake”.