説教あらすじ 「キリストの臨在」 (25/09/2016)
『キリストは今日も生きて働いておられること』 を示す存在である」ということ。
「私たちのガンバリ」 と 「キリストの顕現」 とは反比例する。 → では、どうすればいいのか?
私たちは、この方(聖霊 = キリストの臨在)に渇き、求めるべき![ヨハネ7:37-39]
・私たちに必要なのは「神のみわざ」ではなく、「神とのリアルな関係」。 神ご自身を求める。
宿 題
Outline of the sermon “The presence of Christ.” (25/09/2016)
◆What is our witness to the world?
・Salvation is not our “Goal” but it is our “Start” as people of God’s kingdom.
・Our witness to the world is not “to show ourselves as living example”, but “to show them that
‘Christ is alive today and doing his work through us’”.
“Our hard work” is in inverse proportion to “Revelation of Christ”. → Then what shall we do?
◆The presence of Christ.
・Remember more of “Risen Christ” rather than “Crucified Christ”. [ⅡTimothy 2:8,Acts 2:32-33]
・“Presence of the Holy Spirit” proves us that Christ has risen and been working with us today.
We ought to be desperate for Him(the Holy Spirit = the presence of Christ)![John 7:37-39]
We do not ask for the Holy Spirit “to be given” but for Him “to fill us”.
・We should seek “God Himself (real relationship with Him)” rather than “His Work”.
① Pray at least 3 times a day as following :
“Dear Lord Jesus, I need You. I am desperate for active relationship with You.
Please reveal Yourself to me by the Holy Spirit!”
② Come to every Sunday service prayerfully in expectation of strong presence of the Lord!
・Where we come together in the name of Jesus, there is Jesus with us. [Matthew18:20]