説教あらすじ 「祈りにおける成長」 (18/09/2016)
◎ある英語の賛美の1節:“I just know there is more of You!”
・私たちが日常生活の中に「神ご自身に介入していただく」ためのカギ = 『祈り』における成長。
◆『祈り』とは? ― 祈りの4段階 [ヤコブ4:2-4]
②自分のこの世での必要のために求める。 これらは結局「この世での生活に適応するため」に過ぎない!
◆新しい価値観 = 『神の国』の価値観 [コロサイ3:1-10]
Outline of the sermon “Grow in Prayer.” (18/09/2016)
◆There must be something more …
◎A phrase of a worship song:“I just know there is more of You!”
・Have you ever thought like, “There must be something more of Christian life”?
In other words, “Is there anything left in your life if you remove things which you can do without God?”
・What can make God involved more actively in our faith walk? = Grow in “Prayer”.
◆ 4 Levels of Prayer. [James 4:2-4]
①Ask God for what you want.
②Ask God for your desperate need. All of these 3 are just to adjust our life into the patter of this world!
③Intercede for someone else.
④Receive what God has given us through Christ.
・God has already given us all our needs for sure. [Ephesians1:3]
・We are children of God and “co-heirs with Christ”. [Romans 8:16-17]
However we are not experiencing His riches for we are being conformed to “the pattern of this world”!
◆New sense of values. = Value of “God’s kingdom”. [Colossians 3:1-10]
・God has already seated us “in the heavenly realms” in Christ Jesus. [Ephesians 2:4-6]
“Real Prayer” is : to use what God has already given us with Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.