
説教あらすじ       「ただひとつのこと」     (07/08/2016)

◆マルタとマリヤ [ルカ10:38-42]

・イエスのために? or イエスとともに

・イエスは「どうしても必要なことは、1つだけ」と言われた。 = イエスの足元で『みことば』に聞き入ること。

◆イエスが与える『食事』 [黙示録3:20]




①生きるために必要だから  ②楽しいから  ③交わりのため




『忙しい』? 『時間がない』? 『やらなきゃならないことが、たくさんある』? ― それはただの言い訳。


◆きちんと食事をすることから生まれる結果 [マルコ14:3-9]






Outline of the sermon      Only one thing is needed.      (07/08/2016)

◆Martha and Mary. [Luke10:38-42]

・To do for Jesus? or To be with Jesus?

・Jesus said, “Only one thing is needed”. = Sitting at his feet and listening to him.

◆Jesus feeds us![Revelation 3:20]

・Jesus is the Lord, not us.  Then we are not the ones to feed, but Jesus is!

・Jesus prepares just right meal for each of us according to our level of growth. [ⅠPeter 2:2,Matthew 4:4]

*Why do we eat?

①Because it is needed.  ②Because it is enjoyable.  ③For fellowship.

・Martha thought she could treat Jesus with her own strength but she was empty in her spirit.

We can do nothing apart from Jesus. [John15:5]

◆Why do we neglect “spiritual food”?

“Busy”?  “Not enough time”?  “Too many things to do”? ― People call them, “Excuses”.

・This is the real reason. = “We have in mind only things of men but not the things of God”.

◆The consequence of “good meal”. [Mark14:3-9]

・Mary poured very expensive perfume (equivalent to a whole year wage) on Jesus’ head.  It looks just wasting

on our eyes.  What made her doing that?!

Because Mary was looking at just “one thing”.  And it was worth to spend the treasure of her life.

      ◎Do you want to fill your heart with this “One thing”

Categories: 聖書


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