説教あらすじ 「神のために?それとも、神と共に?」 (28/08/2016)
◆「~のために」 or 「~と共に」
おられる。 〈エノクの例〉 [創世記5:24,ヘブル11:5]
①向きが同じ(共通のゴール) ― あなたを通して「神の栄光」が現されること
②ペースが同じ(共通の興味) ― 人々への愛
*だから「神様とのコミュニケーション」がとても重要 = 『みことば』と『聖霊』。
そんなことは、ない! 何故? → 私たちは『キリストのからだ』の各器官だから。[ローマ12:5]
『更に大きなわざ』をなさる。[ヨハネ14:12] だからこそ「一緒に集まること」に大いに意義がある!
Outline of the sermon “‘For God’? or ‘With God’?” (28/08/2016)
◆“Do for someone” vs “Do with someone”.
・“Doing something for someone” is not very hard because we can do it with our own idea. Whereas “doing
something with someone” is harder because we have get along with the person.
・God desires us not “to live for Him” but “to walk with Him”. 〈Enoch’s example〉 [Genesis 5:24,Hebrews 11:5]
◎What are necessary “to walk together”?
①Go to the same direction.(Sharing common goal) ― “Glory of God” revealed through you.
・It is not “Sin” to ‘disappoint God’ but to ‘shift from God’.
②Keep the same pace.(Sharing common interests) ― Love for people.
・God want to stop with you to love somebody.(Don’t get irritated!)
*The most important thing for this is “communication with God”. = Listening to “His Words” & “His Spirit”.
◆The body of Christ.
・“Don’t we lose our uniqueness if we commit our ‘free-will’ to God?”
No, not at all! Why? → Because each one of us is a part of “the body of Christ”. [Romans12:5]
・The church (us) is the body of Christ, and Christ is its “Head(Commander)”. [Ephesians1:22-23]
・God does His work through each one of us and does “even greater things” through His church. [John14:12]
So don’t stop gathering together!
✰God will do great things through His church when we “love one another and walk together with Him”!