説教あらすじ 「神へのスタンバイ」 (21/08/2016)
・「神のうちにとどまる」とは、「キリストが歩まれたように歩む」こと。 [Ⅰヨハネ2:6]
・私たちの内にある『神のかたち』は、イエスの歩みにこそ生き生きと現された。 [ローマ8:29,コロサイ2:9-10]
イエスは言われた。 [ヨハネ4:34]
・では、イエスにも『自由意志』はあったのか? → YES![マルコ14:36]
◎「私の願いではなく、あなたのみこころを!」 と、祈れますか?
Outline of the sermon “Be standing by for God.” (21/08/2016)
◆We are predestined to be “the likeness of Jesus”.
・“To live in God” means “to walk as Jesus did”. [ⅠJohn 2:6]
・Fullness of “God’s image” was revealed in the life of Jesus. [Romans 8:29,Colossians 2:9-10]
・God is aiming for Jesus being revealed in each of our lives. It is not shown through our action but is naturally
born of “our relationship with God”. Jesus said. [John 4:34]
◆How do we “love God”?
・When a teacher of the law asked Jesus what the most important law was, Jesus answered straightaway. [Mark12:28-31]
*Then how do we “love God”?
・Use the ultimate gift from God, “Free-will”, for His glory.
In that way, “our potential”(God’s image in us) may be revealed![Luke 9:23-24]
・By the way, did Jesus have “free-will”? → YES![Mark14:36]
◆Are you ready to commit yourself to God?
・God is always with us and ready to do His will through us. However, He will never use us out of our control.
*Do you want to see God using you for His will done?
①Commit yourself not for “your own desire”, but for “the desire of God”.
②Commit yourself not for “your good timing”, but for “God’s timing”.
◎Are you ready to say, “Not what I will, but what You will!”?