説教あらすじ 「聖書の教え 基礎の基礎」 (14/08/2016)
・イエスの証言 [マタイ19:16-17] ・すべての良い贈り物は、この方から来る [ヤコブ1:17]
→ だからこそ、悪魔はここを私たちに疑わせたい!
喜んで犠牲を払ってくれる」 ということ。 サタンは決してそんなことはしない!
◆『神のかたち』に造られた [創世記1:26-27]
・神は私たち1人1人を通して、ご自身の『良い性質』の一面を表現しようとしておられる。[エペソ 2:10]
け入れることによって、私たちは「神のかたちを抱く者」として新しく生まれた![ヨハネ1:12-13, Ⅱコリント5:17]
Outline of the sermon “Very basic teaching.” (14/08/2016)
◆Our God is “A Good Father”.
・It is witnessed by Jesus. [Matthew19:16-17] ・Every good and perfect gift is from Him. [James1:17]
・Our heavenly Father is “a good Father” and never forsake us. This is a very basic teaching of the Bible.
→ That is why the devil works hard to make us doubt about this!
◆What makes someone “Good”?
・Neither being “generous” nor “indulgent” but “willing to sacrifice himself to make the most of lives of others”.
Satan would never do it!
・“Good gifts” sometimes come in the shape of “hardship”. [Hebrews12:7-10]
*Whenever you get doubt of His goodness, remember “Calvary”!
◆We are made in “God’s image”. [Genesis1:26-27]
・We can no longer blame our lineage for our nature!
・God plans to express a part of “His goodness” through each of our lives. [Ephesians 2:10]
・This “Image of God” once was dead of our sin, but has been risen with Christ Jesus. When we accept
“the salvation in Christ”, we are born with this “God’s image” again! [John1:12-13, ⅡCorinthians 5:17]
◆Our “New life” is under God’s leadership.
・This new life is maintained not by “our hard work” but by “remaining in Christ”. Trust our “Good Father” just
as a little child, be fed by His Words and we will know what to do, when to move and where to go. [Psalm 37:5]