
説教あらすじ         「救いの2段階」       (05/06/2016)

◆2つの『救い』 [Ⅰペテロ1:8-9,2:1-2]

・『救い』には、2段階ある。 ― 言わば、神の子供としての「資格」と「実質」。



・どちらの救いもただ「恵みと信仰」による。[エペソ2:8] すなわち「神のあわれみによる招き」に「愛と信頼」をもって応答することによって。 決して自力のガンバリで成し遂げるのではない。[ガラテヤ3:3]








・イエスを救い主として受け入れた時点で、聖霊は私たちの内に来られる。 [Ⅰコリント3:16] また聖霊は日々






Outline of the sermon       2 levels of salvation.      (05/06/2016)

◆Are there two “salvations”? [ⅠPeter1:8-9,2:1-2]

・There are two “levels” of salvation. ― In other words, “status” & “substance” as a Child of God.

・“Forgiveness of sins”, “Eternal life”, “The Holy Spirit” are all given when we believe in Christ.  But “the

fullness of salvation” is completed when we will be transformed into “Christ likeness”. [Philippians1:6]

・Both levels of salvation are through “faith in God’s grace”. [Ephesians 2:8]  We receive it by responding God’s

“merciful invitation”.  It is never achieved by our own strength. [Galatians 3:3]

◆ “Christian life” & “Marriage life”.

Something in common

・We become officially “married couple” at the wedding.  However we make lots of mistakes as we are still

immature.  We grow day by day through “loving and trusting each other” unless we give up.

Crucial difference

・God loves us with His “perfect love” from the beginning and He will never give us up!

◆“The Holy Spirit” is the key.

・When we accepted Jesus, the Holy Spirit came into our hearts. [ⅠCorinthians 3:16]  Then He started

transforming us into “2nd level” of salvation. [ⅡCorinthians 3:18]

・However the Holy Spirit respects our “free-will” just as Jesus does.  Our relationship with the Spirit may be

cooler down if we keep being indifferent towards His gentle whisper. [ⅠThessalonians 5:19,Ephesians 4:30]

Take extra care for the first year of your relationship with God


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