説教あらすじ 「『御霊に導かれた歩み』とは?」 (19/06/2016)
・「文字は殺し、御霊は生かす」[Ⅱコリント3:6] ― 律法学者たちは、文字に縛られてしまった。
◆律法の集約[マタイ22:35-40] ― 「神」を愛し、「人々」を愛すること
・使徒たちによる言い換え [Ⅱコリント5:15,Ⅰヨハネ3:16]
・イエスによる描写 [マタイ25:31-40]
Outline of the sermon “Living by the Spirit.” (19/06/2016)
◆“Walk by the law” vs “Walk by the Spirit”.
・“The letter kills but the Spirit gives life”. [ⅡCorinthians 3:6] ― Do not be bound by the law!
・When you walk unfamiliar area, we can either walk with an accurate map or a trustworthy guide. Walking with
a map requires your ability, whereas walking with a guide requires your trust. Which do you prefer?
◆What prevents you from “living by the Spirit”?[Romans 8:1-6]
・It is your “flesh”(sinful nature). “Faith” is to say “no” to this sinful nature and choose what the Spirit says.
And the requirement of the law will eventually be fulfilled.
◆Core value of the law. [Matthew 22:35-40] ― To love “God” and “people”.
・Apostles put it in this way. [ⅡCorinthians 5:15,ⅠJohn 3:16]
・Jesus illustrated it in the story. [Matthew 25:31-40]
・This is how the law could be fulfilled not by “living with our own strength” but by “living with the Spirit”.
Jesus told us about this life style from very beginning. [Luke 9:23-24]
◆How can it happen?
①Because what is impossible with men is possible with God. [Matthew19:25-26]
・We ought to try something too hard for us to see the power of God revealed through us.
②Because the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is that attractive.
③Because there is a definite hope to reach the supreme goal.