
説教あらすじ      「『祈り』に関する 神の真理    (22/05/2016)




・「求める相手をどれくらい知っているか」 また、「求める相手とどれくらい親しいか」が祈る内容を左右する。






・神の目標 = 神の愛と正義による支配が地上にもたらされること。[マタイ6:33]



・神の心を動かすのは、神を『良い父』と信じて疑わない「幼子のような信仰」。(ダビデの信仰 [詩篇6:8-9])

・時に神は頑として譲らない。 →  私たちをご自身の心に引き寄せようとして。


◎神は、ご自分と心を1つにして祈る『祈り手』を今日も捜しておられる! [Ⅱ歴代誌16:9]


Outline of the sermon       God’s truth about ‘Prayer’.      (22/05/2016)

◆Basic ideas of “Prayer”.

・“Prayer” for believers is ‘a natural activity as children of God’.  There are no rules about it.

・We pray not because there are a lot of needs but because God is inviting us for “fellowship with Him”.

・“How much we know God” and “how close we are to God” determine how we pray.

“Prayer” is based on ‘our personal relationship with God’.

◆What is “Prayer” really?

It is “to seek God” rather than “to ask God for something”.

・Prayer needs are only “gateway” to come to ‘presence of God’.

It is “not to fulfill our own desire” but “to fulfill Gods desire”.

・God’s desire = to let His love and righteousness may reign all over the earth. [Matthew 6:33]

“Prayer” is the tool to draw ‘the resources from heaven’ to fulfill His desire.

It is inspired not “by our enthusiasm” but “by our faith”. [Matthew 21:22]

・We touch God’s heart only by faith which is “trusting Him as ‘a good father’ just as little children does”.

(Example of David’s faith. [Psalm 6:8-9])

・Sometimes God does not answer straight away. →  He is trying to draw us even closer to himself.

We come closer to “God’s heart” with help of the Holy Spirit. [Romans 8:26-27]

God is always looking for people whose hearts are fully committed to him [Chronicles16:9]


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