説教あらすじ 「新しい人間関係」 (03/04/2016)
*福音の中身⑧ ― 「新しい人間関係」(『神の家族』の1員となる)
◆[エペソ4:1-6] ― 「神の家族」は少なくとも4つのものを共有している
・唯一の全能なる創造主 ・ひとり子イエスを私たちのために遣わされた「恵みとまこと」に満ちた神
②同じ価値観 = 『聖書』 [マタイ4:4]
③同じ目標 [Ⅱコリント5:9]
④同じ使命 [イザヤ43:7]
・これは『私たちの努力』によるのではなく、「キリストを通しての神との親密な関係」 から生まれてくること。
◆家族は1人1人違っている [ローマ12:4-5]
Outline of the sermon “New relationship.” (03/04/2016)
*What has God given us with Jesus? ― ⑧“New relationship”(A membership of God’s family).
◆[Ephesians 4:1-6] ― We have 4 things in common as “God’s family”.
①The same Father.
・The only almighty creator. ・God with full of ‘grace & truth’ who gave us His only Son, Jesus Christ.
・We believe, love and worship not ‘uncertain existence’ but the same God who is real and alive!
②The same value. = “the Bible”. [Matthew 4:4]
・Our thoughts and behaviors are based on the Bible(God’s Words), not on earthly philosophy.
・The Bible tells us “Who God is” and “How we live with God”.
③The same purpose. [ⅡCorinthians 5:9]
・We don’t live ‘for God’ but “to please Him”. We cannot really help God, but we can either please Him or
grieve Him because He truly loves us.
④The same mission. [Isaiah 43:7] ― For the glory of God.
・We become “the glory of God” when people around us experience God through our presence, attitude or behavior.
・We can never make this happen with our own strength but only through “our intimate relationship with God”.
◆Each member of family is different from one another. [Romans12:4-5]
・We are all different not to go on his own way but to glorify God by serving each other. [ⅠPeter 4:10]
・People will see God among us when we commit ourselves for one another rather than for our own. [ⅠJohn 4:12]