説教あらすじ 「良心よりも大きな神」 (24/04/2016)
・神は私たちの良心よりも大いなる方。[Ⅰヨハネ3:20] ― それ故、本来は「神の判断」を仰ぐべき
「善悪を知る」 ⇒ 「罪責感」 ⇒ 「責任転嫁」
・神にとっては、「善か、悪か?」ではなく、「最善か、それ以下か?」しかない!(“Better is enemy of the Best.”)
・私たちの使命は、「何か最善か」を尋ね求めながら、『完全』を目指して生きること。 [ローマ12:2]
Outline of the sermon “God is greater than our conscience.” (24/04/2016)
◆Criterion of judgement for “good” and “evil”.
・We usually judge “good” and “evil” by “conscience”. But is our “conscience” really trustworthy?
・God is greater than our conscience.[ⅠJohn 3:20] ― So why don’t we ask for His ‘superb advice’?
・We have been decision makers for our lives since the very first human being ate “prohibited fruit”.
“The knowledge of good and evil” ⇒ “Guilt” ⇒ “Shifting responsibilities each other”
◆Who is in charge of our life?
・We became away (independent?) from God and started taking full responsibility of our life when the first person
ate “fruit of the knowledge of good and evil”.
・When God laid on Jesus all our sins, we are restored from “wrong independence” to “healthy dependence” on
God. We are not making decisions according to our “own conscience” but just follow God and His Words.
*We do not have to be independent of God any more. Our “Heavenly Father” is in charge of our lives!
(It doesn’t mean, ‘Now we can sin as much as we want’, but enables us to love people selflessly. [Ⅰjohn 3:18-20])
◆Let us live “God’s best” with Jesus!
・There is no “good or evil” before God but only “Best or the other”!(“Better is enemy of the Best.”)
・Let us seek “God’s best” each day of our life and be perfect just as Jesus. [Romans12:2]
◎ We have been ‘reset in Christ’ to live “God’s best”!