説教あらすじ 「新しい人格」 (27/03/2016)
*福音の中身⑦ ― 「新しい人格」
◆新しく造られる [Ⅱコリント5:17] (「キリストのうちにある」 = 「キリストに結ばれている」)
・『人間の完成像』 = イエス・キリスト 「新しく造られる」とは、キリストのごとくされて行くこと。[Ⅱコリント5:14-15]
[Ⅰヨハネ4:4, ルカ4:13]
架につけられた者」を通して発揮される。 [ヘブル12:11]
Outline of the sermon “New identity.” (27/03/2016)
*What has God given us with Jesus? ― ⑦“New identity”.
◆New creation. [ⅡCorinthians 5:17] (「in Christ」 = 「bind in Christ」)
・All human beings are fallen from where they are supposed to be. We should be recreated into the right image.
・“Completed image of human being” = Jesus Christ. ‘Being re-created’ means “being transformed into
Christ likeness”. [ⅡCorinthians 5:14-15]
・We are all “the aroma of Christ”[ⅡCorinthians 2:15],“clothed with Christ”[Galatians 3:27] and “like Christ”.[ⅠJohn 4:17]
◆We are not “of the world”.
・Satan uses all of his weapons (attractions of the world) to hinder us from being transferred into Christ likeness.
We cannot overcome his attack with our own strength. But the One who has overcome the world is with us!
[ⅠJohn 4:4, Luke 4:13]
・Satan might have rejoiced when Jesus died on the cross. However he must have been horrified when he saw
Jesus risen from the dead. God raised Jesus from the dead with the power of His Spirit and the very same
Spirit is within us! [Romans 8:11]
◆What is the real meaning of “death & resurrection of Christ”?
・Jesus committed himself to the Father until “the death on the cross” so that we would also be crucified to the
world (the power of Satan). [Galatians 6:14]
・The power of the Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead can be demonstrated not through “those who do
things with their best for Christ” but only through “those who have been crucified with Christ”. [Hebrews12:11]