説教あらすじ 「祈りの扉が開かれた!」 (13/03/2016)
◆福音の中身⑤ ― 「祈りの扉が開かれた!」
・誰に向かって祈るのか? ― 天地創造の全能の神。ひとり子さえお与えになった気前の良い愛の神。
・何によって祈るのか? ― 自分の業績や立派さではなく、義なるイエスの身代わりによって。[ヨハネ16:23-24]
①信じて祈る [マタイ21:22]
・「何を信じるのか?」 ― 神は善い父であり、不可能は無い。みことばの約束と聖霊の導き。
②しつこく祈る [ルカ18:1-8]
・いつまで祈ればいいの? ― 答えられるまで or 「みこころでない」とはっきり分かるまで。
③共に祈る [マタイ18:19]
・神はいつも『愛のうちに』働く。 ・『信仰の友』によって霊的に励まされる。 *結局カギは、『信仰』!
◎「こんなこと祈っていいの?」 ― それは「祈る側(私たち)」ではなく、『答える側(神)』が決めること。
Outline of the sermon “Window of prayer is now open!” (13/03/2016)
◆What has God given us with Jesus? ― ⑤“Window of prayer is now open for us”.
*God has opened the way to Him through the death & resurrection of Jesus!
・Who do we pray to? ― Our good good Father who is the Creator and the Almighty God!
・How do we pray? ― Not by our own qualification but in the name of Jesus who is righteous.[John16:23-24]
◆What kind of prayers does God answer?
①Prayer in faith. [Matthew 21:22]
・So “What do we believe?” ― Our God is a good good Father. Nothing is impossible for Him.
・There are lots of promises in the Bible and He is “a promise keeper”. He guides us by His Spirit.
②Persistent prayer. [Luke18:1-8] ― “Ask” means “Keep asking!”.
・How long shall we keep asking? ― Until either the prayer is answered or God tells you to stop.
③Prayer in unity. [Matthew18:19]
・God always moves in “Love”. ・“Fire of faith” requires more ‘fire woods’. *Yes, “Faith” is the key!
◆Frequent questions.
◎“Are we allowed to pray for such things?” ― It is not what ‘we’ decide but “God” decides.
◎Should we pray “according to God’s will (ⅠJohn 5:14-15)”?
・Certainly. However it is better “to pray anyway even though you do not know God’s will” rather than
‘not praying until you surely understand His will’. If you keep praying, you’ll come closer to His will.
✰Let us be “A community of prayer” and receive more answers from God!