説教あらすじ 「聖霊(キリストの心)」 (28/02/2016)
*福音の中身 ― ④聖霊 [ヨハネ14:26]
◆『聖霊』とは? ― イエスの名によって、父なる神から遣わされる
・「神から来る良きもの」の代名詞的存在。[マタイ7:11,ルカ11:13] ― *何故そう言えるのか?
◎人生で最も重要なもの = 神との個人的で親密な関係
*それとも自分の欲に対してNoと言うか? [ガラテヤ5:16-17]
◆イエスの願い [ヨハネ20:20-21]
・「求めなさい!」[ルカ11:9-10, 13,ヨハネ7:37-39]
Outline of the sermon “The Holy Spirit.” (28/02/2016)
*What has God given us with Jesus? ― ④ The Holy Spirit. [John14:26]
◆ Who is “the Holy Spirit”? ― the One who was sent by the Father in the name of Jesus.
・He has already been with all the believers, and is essential for our faith walk.[ⅠCorinthians 2:12]
・Just an another expression of “Good Gifts from God”.[Matthew 7:11,Luke 11:13] ― *What does it mean?
◆What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives?
◎The most important thing in our lives. = Intimacy with God.
・We can never build “intimacy with God” unless we understand His heart. But how? [ⅠCorinthians 2:15-16]
・‘Understanding God’s heart’ does not necessarily determines our decision. We still have to choose.
Whether “Commit ourselves to God for true love” or “Refuse God’s heart for our selfishness”.
This is one of the greatest challenge for our “Free-will decision making”!
*Would you like to say “No” to God?[Ephesians 4:30,ⅠThessalonians 5:19]
Or *Would you like to say “No” to the flesh? [Galatians 5:16-17]
◆Jesus invites us![John 20:20-21]
・「Come to me and ask!」[Luke11:9-10, 13,John 7:37-39]
・“Seeking the Holy Spirit” is not to seek “Miraculous power”,
but to seek earnestly “Intimacy with God”
and to seek “What God wants us to have the most” more than anything.