説教あらすじ 「永遠のいのち」 (21/02/2016)
*福音の中身 ― ③永遠のいのち [ローマ6:23]
・[エペソ2:1-2] ― この「不従順の子らの中に働いている霊(サタンとその手下たち)」の支配から、神の支配へと
①神との生きた関係 [ヨハネ17:3] ― それは日々豊かにされていく![ヨハネ10:10]
②イエス・キリストご自身[Ⅰヨハネ5:11-12,20] ― 心に迎え入れた時以来、私たちの内に住まれる『内なるキリスト』。
まとめ *「永遠のいのち」とは…
①神との生きた関係 ②イエス・キリストが歩まれたいのち
Outline of the sermon “Eternal life.” (21/02/2016)
*What is “Good News”? ― ③ Eternal life. [Romans 6:23]
◆What is “Eternal life”?
・It’s not given when we die. It is already given! We are now made alive by “2 lives”.
・In [Romans 6:23], “death” means “separation from God” rather than ‘physical death’.
・[Ephesians 2:1-2] ― Jesus was crucified to take us back to God’s kingdom from the kingdom of this world.
*Therefore “Eternal life” is …
① Living relationship with God. [John17:3] ― It grows day by day![John10:10]
・This is the only thing we can take to the life to come. It will be whole in heaven but we can experience it even now.
・However, there are lots of hindrances (earthly attractions) in this world. [John12:25]
*These attractions become dim as we know God deeper. The key is: “What we spend our free time for”.
② Christ Jesus. [ⅠJohn 5:11-12,20] ― This is “the Christ” who lives in us since we accepted him.
・In other words: “The life Christ lived in this world”, “The life which is persecuted by those who love this world”,
“The life that puts its hope only in God” or “The life which seeks God’s will and fulfills it”.[John 4:32-34]
・Jesus who lived “the best life ever” is going to live through you! It’s so exciting isn’t it?!
Conclusion *Therefore “Eternal life” is …
① Living relationship with God. ② The life Christ lived.