説教あらすじ 「神から与えられているもの」 (04/12/2016)
注意点 ・「神がすべてをお与えになる」と聞くと、つい「日常生活の必要」のことばかり考えがち。
◆地のすべての被造物 [詩篇115:16, ローマ8:19-21]
・イエスが風や波を従えたように、私たちも「神の子としての権威」を用いて山々をも従えるべき。 [マタイ17:20]
Outline of the sermon “Understand what God has given us.” (04/12/2016)
◆Given through Christ.
・When you doubt “the goodness of God”, look at the cross of His Son. Then there is no room for doubt!
・When God gave us His Son, it literally meant that He gave us “all things”. [Romans 8:32]
Please note! ・When we hear “God gives us all things”, we tend to think of “things we need for our daily life”.
In fact God has given us, His children, far better things than that!
◆All the creation. [Psalm115:16, Romans 8:19-21]
・From the beginning God has decided to entrust us(His children) with “all the earth”.
・“All the creation of the earth” were subjected to the bondage just because the fault of mankind but not of
themselves. That’s why they have been waiting for “the children of God (us)” to be revealed!
・We should command mountains with authority as God’s children just as Jesus did to the winds. [Matthew17:20]
*It is not for our own benefit but to liberate them from bondage and draw their potential to the full.
◆Keep in step with the Holy Spirit.
・God has prepared “huge assets” for His children. But we are blinded by worthless things of the earth. [ⅠCorinthians 2:9-12]
・We definitely need “the help of the Holy Spirit” to make the most of ‘the assets God has prepared for us’!
・The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to “what God has given us” and teach us how to use them in right way.
✰God has entrusted us with whole earth. Be aware of this privilege & responsibility,
and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit!