説教あらすじ 「最初の2つの命令」 (06/11/2016)
◆人類にとっての最初(第1)の使命 [創世記1:27-28]
・「生めよ。ふえよ。地を満たせ。地を従えよ。」 ― 永遠不変の命令
◆更新された『最初の命令』 [マタイ4:17]
『悔い改める』 = 方向転換。 すなわち「この世の価値観(悪魔の支配)」から『神の国(神の支配)』へと向きを変える。
イエスは、アダムがだまされた「悪魔の誘惑」に勝利された! → [マタイ4:17]の宣言へ
Outline of the sermon “Very first 2 commissions.” (06/11/2016)
◆Very first commission for mankind. [Genesis1:27-28]
・“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” ― Unchangeable commission.
・“The first man・Adam” failed to fulfill the commission because he yielded to the devil’s temptation.
・All mankind spread over the world outside of “God’s kingdom”. In other words, the fulfillment of God’s plan
was postponed but not canceled. (God never changes His mind!)
◆“First commission” is now renewed! [Matthew 4:17]
・“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
“Repent” = Change the direction. From the value of flesh (devil’s reign) to “God’s kingdom (God’s reign)”. ◆“The kingdom of God” has come with “the Son of God”.
・God was delighted very much to send His Son. [Matthew 3:16-17]
Then Jesus has overcome the devil’s temptation for us! → It led him to the declaration of [Matthew 4:17].
・Jesus(and his kingdom) began to spread over the world in the real sense![John15:16]
✰ Now God wants to see His kingdom fill the earth and subdue it through His children (us)!