説教あらすじ 「『神の国の民』 として生きる」 (23/10/2016)
*『神の国の価値観』④ ― 「私たちは地上では『旅人』であり、神の国こそ私たちの『真の住まい』である。
・地上での生涯は『旅』にしては長すぎる? ― 『永遠』をすごす「神の国(天国)」と比べれば、ほんの束の間。
・どんなに楽しい旅行から帰ってきても、やっぱり『家』が1番!― ダビデの証言[詩篇27:4]
◆この世の現実 vs 神の国の『超現実』
これこそ、主イエスが教えてくださった祈り = 「御国が来ますように」。
②旅先の影響力に染まり過ぎない。[Ⅰペテロ2:11] (「この世かぶれ」にならない)
・「旅先の恥はかき捨て」。 たとえ「常識はずれ」というレッテルを貼られても、大丈夫![ヨハネ12:42-43]
Outline of the sermon “Live as residents of the kingdom.” (23/10/2016)
*“Value of the kingdom”④ ― We are residents of God’s kingdom and just temporary visitors on the earth.
◆Residents of God’s kingdom.
・“Isn’t our life on the earth too long as ‘visitors’?” ― No! We are going to spend “eternity” in the kingdom.
・Our “home” is always the best place to live after any great journey. ― David’s witness. [Psalm 27:4]
◆“Reality of this world” vs “Hyper-reality of the kingdom”
・It is wrong to say, “Only visible world is ‘real’, so ‘living in the kingdom’ is just fantasy”.
・God wants us to invade “reality of this world” with “hyper-reality of the kingdom” by faith.
This is why Jesus told us to pray the prayer. = “Your kingdom come.”
◆God’s kingdom revealed through Jesus.
・Teaching of Jesus was all about “the kingdom of God”.
・Jesus performed miracles to testify that “the kingdom” is with him. [ⅠCorinthians 4:20,Matthew12:28]
・“God’s kingdom” is not characterized just by miracles but also by meeting our unfelt needs. [Romans14:17]
◆Live as residents of the kingdom (temporary visitors of this world).
①Impress our nation as representatives to the world. [John 20:21-22]
・Make sure where we are exactly from, what we are living for and which direction we are going.
②Keep ourselves pure in its uniqueness. [ⅠPeter 2:11] (We are in this world but not of this world!)
③Be flexible.(Do not conform to the pattern of this world!)
・“A man away from home need feel no shame.” Seek true evaluation![John12:42-43]