
説教あらすじ         「神の子とされた」      (17/01/2016)

福音の中身 キリストにあって『神の子』とされている」![ガラテヤ3:26]




その必要をすべての良きもので満たす [マタイ6:25-26]



成長を助ける ― キリストに似た者と変えていく(御国の住人として整える)


・主な2つのもの(「聖霊の働き」と「試練」)によって。[へブル12:6-8, 10] ― 『聖霊』については、また後で

・いつまで? = 霊的な『大人』とされるまで。 成長の度合いは人によって異なる。




    人生において「いつまでも残る実」を結ぶため  そのための必要を父に求めて受け取るため





Outline of the sermon      He made us children of God!”  (17/01/2016)

What has God given to us with Jesus?  ①“He made us children of God!” [Galatians3:26]

◆What is “becoming children of God” all about?

・Very different from the relationship between God and Jews.  It is eternal relationship with love. [John1:11-13]

◆What would the Father do for His children?

He meets all our needs according to His riches. [Matthew 6:25-26]

・God treats His children in special way.  God does not want to see His children in hunger or depression.

・God meets all of our ‘physical need’ as well as ‘spiritual need’ with His “Very Best”.

Help us to grow. ― Transfer us into “Christ likeness”.(Prepare us as residents of His kingdom.)

・God does not use ‘our strength’ but “our response in faith”.

・God’s tools to grow us. = “Holy Spirit” & “Discipline”. [Hebrews12:6-8, 10] ― Learn more about “Holy Spirit” later.

・How long does it take? = Until we become “spiritual adult”.  Level of spiritual growth are different by people.

・“Discipline” is the way of expression of Father’s love to make the most of His child’s potential.


・This is why God has chosen each of us to be His children through Jesus・・・

  • To bear fruits which last forever.  To ask our Father for our need to fulfill that purpose.

・We are chosen not to sit down, enjoy life and fill our own pockets!

We all became “children of God” by the work of Jesus, being appointed to each of our lives by Jesus, ask for Gods provision in the name of Jesus and bear fruits which last forever


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