
説教あらすじ          父である神       (23/08/2015)

神の最善 ― 「神が最善をなさる」という聖書的根拠は?[ローマ12:2]




①創造者(生みの親)として [創世記1:1, 26-27]

・神はこの天地の創造主であり、また私たち人間をお造りになられた、言わば製造元。(Made in Heaven!)



②「しつけ」をする方 [ヘブル12:5-11] ― 『自由意志』を持つ私たちをご自身の似姿(本来の姿)に保つため



③保護者 [イザヤ41:10] ― 子どものために献身している。(裏切ることができない)


・そんな神の愛を感じられないのは何故なのか?    [イザヤ59:1-2](『罪』とは、「神に反抗する心の態度」)

・神の愛を疑う人は、「現された神の愛」に注目! [ローマ5:8]


Outline of the sermon     “God the Father”     (23/08/2015)

Gods best for us. ― “Does God really hope for our best?” [Romans12:2]

・We have to be transformed from ‘mindset of this world’ to “God’s perfect will”.

・Next 3 Sundays we will search carefully “Who our God really is” in the Bible.

God the Father.

He is the Creator. [Genesis1:1, 26-27]

・God created the heaven & earth, and also created us mankind.  We are all “Made in Heaven”!

・God is the instructor of our life and He also gave us “life-instruction book (Bible)”. [Ephesians 2:10]

・He has a special plan for each of us and always be waiting for its fulfillment. [Jeremiah 29:11-13]

He disciplines us. [Hebrews12:5-11] ― To transform us into “His likeness”.

・God is not “irresponsible parent” who leaves his children alone.  He disciplines us to become His masterpiece.

・God is patient and just.  He always waits for us until we come to Him with our “free-will”.

He is the Guardian. [Isaiah 41:10] ― He commit Himself to His children. (He never disappoints us.)

・God cannot help hoping the best for our lives as well as respecting our free-will.

・Why can’t some people recognize God’s love?    [Isaiah 59:1-2](Because of their rebellious attitude to God.)

・Take notice of God’s love demonstrated in Jesus and there’ll be no room for doubt![Romans 5:8]


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