説教あらすじ 「正しい神のイメージ」 (02/08/2015)
①罪を感知できない ― 何が罪だか解らないし、自分のどこがいけないのか、自覚がない。
②自分で何とかしたい ― 罪の自覚はあるが、自分の責任なのだから、自分で解決しようとする。
③あきらめ ― 「自分はどうせデキが悪い」とあきらめている。悩みたくないから放っておいて欲しい。
◆「神の子」としてのイメージ 「良い子でいる限り大丈夫」?
かどうか」による。[ヨハネ1:12] そしてイエスの約束は、「決して離れず見捨てない」。[へブル13:5]
Outline of the sermon “Have a right concept of God!” (02/08/2015)
◆Who is God like?
①A very gentle old man with white beard. ②A quick-tempered king.
*God who is described in the Bible is like: “A father suffering from love towards us”.
・He loves each of us so much and terribly seeks love from each of us.
・He has been earnestly waiting for us because he can never force us to love Him. [Luke chapter 15]
◆What is “Sin” like?
①No concept of sin ― Some neither understand what sin is nor recognize themselves as sinners.
②Own strength ― Some understand their sins and work hard to solve them as their responsibility.
③Feel damped ― Some stop thinking of sins to escape from guilt.
“Right concept of God” can only lead us to “right understanding of sin”.
“God is suffering a lot for where I am now!”
・When we understand His pain, we are ready to accept His incredible offer for reconciliation.
◆Who is “Child of God” like? Are we ok as long as we are behaving?
・We become “children of God” not because ‘we are good’ but because ‘Jesus lives in us’. [John1:12]
And Jesus promised us not to leave us. [Hebrews13:5]
・Our issue as “children of God” is not ‘what to do not to be forsaken’ but ‘what to do because God never forsakes us’.
✯ Our life is: “To keep God always smiling, and to respond His smile with our best smile”.