説教あらすじ 「人知を越えたキリストの愛」 (05/07/2015)
◆愛に基礎を置いている私たち [17節]
◆人知を越えたキリストの愛 [18~19節]
・完全に聖い神が、罪だらけの『人の世』に、人となって来られた。[Ⅱコリント5:21] この愛の届ぬ所はない。
・神の守りは完全。神の許しなしには何も起こらない。「God is in control.」
・何故? ➝ 罪の痛みを知る者ほど、キリストの痛み(愛の深さ)を理解できるから。[ローマ5:20]
Outline of the sermon “The love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” (05/07/2015)
◆[Ephesians 3:16-21]
・The riches of our God is beyond our imagination. And He fills us with all the fullness of Him.
Therefore we should not create “wrong image of God” in our mind.
◆We are established in love. [Verse 17]
・Our life is not based on ‘our own strength’ but on “the love of God” revealed in Christ Jesus.
・God’s love doesn’t change according to our faithfulness. However, degree of our faith and knowledge of God
may determine how much we experience love of God.
◆The love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. [Verses 18-19]
①How wide?(limitless)- Regardless of our background, status, ability, etc.
・Perfect God came down to imperfect world as a human. [ⅡCorinthians 5:21] It reaches you wherever you are.
②How long?(endless)- God never gives you up nor forsakes you. He waits for you forever.
・He chose you before the creation of the world even though you might betray Him. [Ephesians1:4]
③How high?(God hems us in.)[Psalm139:1-6]
・His protection is perfect. Nothing troubles you without His permission. “God is in control”.
④How deep?(God rescues us from depths of grave.)[Hebrews 4:15]
・Jesus knew no sin but he knew ‘pain of sinners’. Jesus reaches his wounded hands to wounded people.
・Why? ➝ Because only those who suffered by sin can understand Jesus’ pain (depth of his love). [Romans 5:20]
✯Let’s walk in this “Love of Christ” together!