
説教あらすじ       『新しく生まれた者』として     (19/07/2015)


◆新しく生まれる [2~4節]



「水と御霊」によって生まれる [5~6節] [マタイ3:11]

『水』:ヨハネが水で授けた「悔い改め」のバプテスマ。 「自分主権」から「神主権」、「見えるもの中心」から「見えない世界中心」へ


◆御霊の好むところ [8節] (『風』と『霊』は、原語では同じ)

①「イエス・キリストの父なる神」の主権を認めるところ [マルコ14:36]

②「神の子供たち」が真実に愛し合うところ [Ⅰヨハネ4:11-12]




・あなたは新しく生まれていますか? また、どうしてそう思いますか?




Outline of the sermon   “Live your life asa new creation.”   (19/07/2015)

[John 3:1-8]

◆Being born again. [Verses 2-4]

・We look for God’s work in the miraculous signs.  However God is not just “changing situation” but “doing new

creation”.  He starts His work in “spiritual world”, then it will be revealed in “visible world”. [Luke 10:20]

◆Born of “water and the Spirit”. [Verses 5-6] [Matthew 3:11]

Water:John baptized people with water for “repentance” (to turn from “self-centered” to “God-centered”)

The Spirit:Jesus baptizes people with “the Holy Spirit”.  We need both to be born again!

◆Where does “the Spirit” blow? [Verse 8] (“wind” and “spirit” are same in Greek)

①Among those who welcome the government of God. [Mark14:36]

②Among “Gods children” who truly love one another. [ⅠJohn 4:11-12]


Topics to share in the small group.

①What is “born again” all about?    ・Have you been born again? Why do you think so?

②Where does “the Spirit” blow?   ・Pray for each other to let “the Spirit” blow through their lives.


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