
説教あらすじ       聖書と 『御霊のことば』     (21/06/2015)



『御霊のことば』 聖霊によって『(いのち)』を与えられたことば




・みことばは『御霊のための滑走路』 - みことばのない所に聖霊の働きはない



・「Do not think but Listen!」(神に思いを預ける) - しかし容易ではない。聖霊の助けが必要。

・異言の賜物 [Ⅰコリント14:14] - 思いから『この世のことば』を追い出す。



Outline of the sermon    “Bible & ‘Spirit-taught words’.    (21/06/2015)

◆Words have “power”.

・Our “thoughts” consist of ‘Words’.  We can’t really “think” without words.

“Spirit-taught words”.  These are “the words with power” given by the Holy Spirit.

・What is different between the Scriptures and “Spirit-taught words”?

Bible is like a “storehouse” where the Holy Spirit would take right things from it and use them in right time.

Therefore we must store the Scriptures within us as much as possible.

・The Scriptures are “Airstrips for the Spirit” - No Scriptures, no work of the Spirit.

◆Reading “Spirit-taught words”.

・Whenever we pray, the devil try to invade ‘our thoughts’ to interrupt our prayer.  We can’t prevent with our own strength.

・“Do not think but Listen!”(Entrust God with our thoughts.) - Still not easy without help of the Spirit.

・Spiritual tongues. [ⅠCorinthians14:14] - It helps us to drive out “Words of this world” from our mind.

“Spirit-taught words” are usually brief.  We use the Scriptures to deepen our understanding of them.


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