説教あらすじ 「兄弟愛に生きる」 (10/05/2015)
・人は1人で生きるように定められてはいない。 ・3つ撚りの糸:「神によって結ばれている」ということ。
◆聖霊による神の臨在 [Ⅰコリント3:16]
・『JCF 5つの目当て』の2番目 ― 私たちは1人1人「神のかたち」を宿している。
Outline of the sermon “Love one another as brothers in Christ.” (10/05/2015)
◆[Ecclesiastes 4:9-12]
・We are not created to live alone. ・A cord of three strands: “You”, “I” and “God”.
◆God’s presence through His Spirit. [ⅠCorinthians 3:16]
・We love one another not by our own strength but with love of God poured by His Spirit.[ⅠJohn 4:12-13]
・What happens when “Spirit-filled people” meet?[Luke1:41-44]
・We love one another because we were born of same God by same Spirit.[Romans 8:14-16]
・Each of us contains “the image of God”. ― Find “Christ in yourself”, then look for “the same Christ” in others.
“Christ lives among us in shabby figure and sees if we can distinguish him even in that figure
in order to test our love toward him.”(Mother Teresa)